Hospice Orillia offers Supportive Counselling
Following the diagnosis of a progressive life-limiting or terminal illness, many people find it helpful to speak to someone about the many emotions, thoughts, fears and transitions that come along with their illness. Individual counselling offers a safe space to explore ways to address difficult topics, and how to manage life changes. Counselling is provided by our Social Worker, who is a registered healthcare professional. This support may take place at your home, wherever “home” is, or at our office location in a private space. This service is also available for individuals caring for a loved one with a progressive life-limiting or terminal illness. Our Social Worker is available to speak with you about ways to take care of yourself, what to expect when a loved one is dying, as well as the wide range of emotions experienced by caregivers. Individuals are eligible for up to 12, one-hour sessions with our Social Worker. Further support is available for those who have been given a prognosis of less than one year. For more information, contact Sidney Grocott, Community Social Worker, via email or by calling 705-325-0505 ext. 211. Alternatively, you can fill in our online Referral Form.