Hospice Orillia provides presentations and workshops to the general public, community groups, healthcare professionals and caregivers. The goal of these presentations is to provide education and raise awareness of hospice palliative care and the services available to people in our community. We provide these presentations free of charge.

Current Outreach Presentation topics include:

  • Hospice Orillia – An overview of programs offered through Hospice Orillia including how individuals can access programs or become a volunteer.
  • Speak Up – Start the conversation about end-of-life care – This presentation introduces Advanced Care Planning and gives you the tools you need to start the conversation about end-of-life care before a crisis occurs. Read more…
  • Grief and Bereavement – Current theory, developing support & creating ritual – Start the dialogue of the place and understanding of grief and bereavement in our society, what to expect after the death of a loved one and how to support one another through grief.

Hospice also has a selection of books and videos pertaining to specific aspects of hospice palliative care and bereavement, including books for children of all ages. These items can be borrowed for a one month period and are available to everyone in our community.


How to Book a Presentation

To have our team come out and do a presentation please contact our office at (705) 325-0505 ext 207 or complete the form below:
