Thank you for your interest in our services. You may request support either through the form below or by completing the fillable referral form and emailing it to or sending it by fax to (705) 325-7328.




    Troubleshooting Tips

    Thank you for using our online referral form. Please see below for a few troubleshooting tips, should you continue to have difficulty with the form please reach out to Madison Lahay at

    If you receive a message saying that one or more fields have errors, please see below:

    • Confirm all required cells have been completed.
    • Confirm the date has been filled out (if your browser populates the cell on your behalf, please enter the date)
    • Confirm you have entered a numerical value in the contact number cell.
    • If you are using Internet Explorer, please use an alternate as this browser is no longer supported by Microsoft.
    • If you are using Firefox, your browser should highlight the cells with the error.